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Synthetic Bristles

Plastic Bristles

Synthetic Bristles There are 10 products.

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items
  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx KG

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery..SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANKx KG

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHank x Kg

  • Replace natural vegetable and animal based bristles due to their stability and resistance; do not deform; do not fray; all measurements are uniform; do not contaminate or absorve products; tortion recovery.SALES UNITHANK x Kg

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 items